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2020-10-27 14:19 来源:桃李自考网 成人自考


摘 要



关键词:开拓方式 准备方式 采煤方法 综合机械化 高产高效


The designation is based on actual situation of Lu Jiatou pit of the Kailuan Mining Group in Hu beifor the the preliminary design. There are 41 square kilometres of well field area and 2,400,000 tons of coal annually to be designed, whose coal bed gives deeper layer and inclination is not lager, the average thick is about 3.83m, geological structure is simple, the volume of gas poures out relatively larger, coal bed has natural fireing tendency, and the colliery water is middle in cacity .

This design adopts the erected sheft mining method and belt-ready way. In addition to using skewed towards long walland methods, integrating mechanized stoping techniques, That is the main way to open up the pit, preparing forms, coal mining methods for preliminary design. As well as transport, ventilation, drainage systems and other production equipment models calculated to pit various production systems described in the production process, Besides, I want to describe various production systems of the pit and the interlinkages between the production relations and the constraints on the statement. In the design process, both shaft whole realize mechanization,adopt advanced techniques and use for reference afterwards realize high yield highly active modernization shaft 'experience,realize one mine not both high yield highly active shaft thereby run up to favorable economic benefit and social benefit.

Keywords: explore ways preparation ways coal mining methods

mechanization comprehensive high yield highly active


1 矿区概况及井田地质特征 2

1.1概况 2

1.2井田地质特征 4

2 矿井储量、年产量及服务年限 13

2.1 井田境界 13

2.2 井田储量 13

2.3 矿井年储量及服务年限 18

3 井田开拓 19

3.1概述 19

3.2井田开拓 19

3.3井筒特征 24

3.4井底车场 29

3.5开采顺序及采区回采工作面的配置 44

3.6井巷工程量和建井周期 47

4 采煤方法 51

4.1采煤方法的选择 51

4.2采区巷道布置及生产系统 51

4.3回采工艺设计 54

5 矿井运输、提升及排水 64

5.1矿井运输 64

5.2矿井提升 65

5.3矿井排水 75

6 矿井通风与安全技术措施 83

6.1 矿井通风系统的选择 83

6.2 风量计算及风量分配 86

6.3全矿通风阻力计算 89

6.4主通风机选型 93

6.5矿井安全技术措施 96

7 矿山环保 103

7.1矿山污染源概述 103

7.2矿山污染源的防治 105

结论 107

致谢 109

参考文献 110