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发表时间:2022-08-10 16:06:28 来源:桃李自考网

61.Advertising is only part of the total sales effort,but it is the part that ________ the most attention.

A.attacks B.attracts C.attaches D.attributes

62.That student ________ his hand every time the teacher asks a question.

A.lets up B.gets up C.puts up D.rises up

63.For a week she worked with us in the village,_______ her poor health.

A.as a result of B.on account of C.in spite of D.despite of

64.Some people who are successful language learners find it difficult to _______ in other fields.

A.succeed B.result C.achieve D.score

65.I wonder who will _______ as secretary of our club next year.

A.take up B.take over C.take one D.take on


62.正确答案:C答案解析:let up:停止,放松;get up:起床;put up:举起,抬起;rise up:起义,叛变。

63.正确答案:C答案解析:译文:尽管她的健康不佳,她仍与我们在村里工作了一星期。in spite of意思为“尽管”,相当于despite,表让步。


65.正确答案:B答案解析:本题考查词组辨析。take over:接任;接管;接收。