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发表时间:2022-07-26 15:25:15 来源:桃李自考网



51.某英语学习报征集-_篇题为“My Favorite Chinese Festival'的稿件。





Learning From Mistakes

①Lots of people dare not make mistakes(mistake).They fear they will be laughed at or blamed by others.They fear they will lose their money and belongings or be under heavy

stress.But risks are impossible to avoid and they do pave the way towards success.Have

you ever heard of anyone who achieves success without making any mistakes?

②So it is only natural that making mistakes should be considered a must.You shouldn't

worry about that as you probably get lots of advantages out of your mistakes.By making

mistakes,you can at least distinguish between the correct and the incorrect parts of what

you did.Robert Stevenson once Said:“Our business in life is not to be successful,but to continue to fail in good spirits.'

③You needn't worry about anything as long as you keep on going by wisely learning from your mistakes and trying even harder.