
您所在的位置: 首页> 备考指导 > 模拟试题 > 公共课 > 英语(二) > 2022年自考《英语(二)》试题及答案4


发表时间:2022-08-02 16:25:18 来源:桃李自考网

11.One reason to have one's own business is that one can have more

A.flexible working hours

B.support from others

C.available resources

D.life experience

12.A small business owner usually has

A.a more colorful life

B.a bigger profit

C.less stress from work

D.longer working time

13.Fawkner's business ran into trouble because

A.it was taken over by her husband

B.she had a serious mental problem

C.it was hit by the financial crisis

D.she started a-mental health program

14.Fawkner didn't feel so alone because

A.she had her family around

B.she could watch DVD at work

C.others had similar experiences

D.the counselor was helpful to her

15.According to Fawkner,small business owners need more

A.financial aid

B.technical knowledge

C.management skills

D.mental health assistance
