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2020-09-11 15:06 来源:桃李自考网 成人自考


摘 要





Sina "Entertainment" blog column as Sina portal win an important part traffic to your site won the favor of many users, and now it is being actively involved in the national ranks of the mainstream news media, its influence will grow daily. Sina "Entertainment" blog column was established in February 17, 2007 (Lunar New Year's Eve), embodies the mainstream values of Sina. In this paper, Sina, 2009, "Entertainment" blog column ranks the top ten of the blog as an example, according to data released by Sina blog and the content of ten entertainment blog for the data source,Combined with the theory of communication from the transmission main, columns of content, the main Bo opened the time, cause and audience feedback in areas such as research, found that Sina "Entertainment" blog column Entertainment distinctive characteristics, high freedom of expression, consistent with the development of the leading contemporary blog trends, pay attention to cater to the audience to read and accept the psychological, daring to expose the current negative atmosphere and entertainment phenomenon, dare to target the so-called all-powerful stars and biggest names in entertainment, full use of network resources for their own development and the needs of service users, which is Sina " Entertainment "blog column in the short time the importance of the success of original.Result. At the same time, the contents of boredom and vulgar as the column can not escape the biggest problem. Some entertainment blog to increase the click rate, focus on users through various means to meet the desires and vent their anger peep psychology, giving rise to many moral, social values issues. This requires our attention from the national, blog sites, Internet users to conduct three-pronged approach to this problem remediation.

The thesis is divided into five parts, the first sample is selected to describe and analyze the content of their communication; the second part of the spread of the main body began to blog analysis of key data and conclusions were derived from the selected sample Statistics. In the data analysis process also received some new conclusions and understanding, this is a pleasant surprise in writing papers; third part of the combined results of the analysis samples to analyze Sina "Entertainment" blog column spread of the main reasons for the opening of blog,To introduce the influence of the column generation and the rise of the various factors and highlight Sina "Entertainment" blog column behind the development of the underlying causes; the fourth part of the column for the analysis of audience feedback, and then found that the column exists to the undesirable phenomena and problems ; Finally, the conclusion is given some constructive suggestions.

Key words: entertainment celebrities, blog, communication, opinion leaders

目 录

序 言 1

一、《娱乐》博客专栏的传播内容 3

1.个人的工作日程安排 3

2、揭密性的娱乐快报 4

3.私人日志: 5

二、《娱乐》博客专栏的传播主体 5

1.专业的权威性 6

2.传播者的信誉 6

3.《娱乐》博客专栏的议程设置 7

三、十大娱乐博客的开博原因 7

1.大众媒体的“造神运动” 7

2.新浪博客的“娱乐至上”精神 8

3.网站的点击率 8

4.明星的知名度 9

5.受众的满足度 9

四、十大娱乐博客的受众反馈 10

1.反馈的的力度与数量因人和事而异 10

(1)娱乐博客中的两类“意见领袖” 12

(2)“意见领袖”对受众反馈的牵制 13

五、结语 13

1.国家出台相关条例,约束博客的传播行为。 13

2.网民个人的自律 14

3.博客网站的技术把关 14

参考文献 16

致谢 17