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2020-09-24 09:48 来源:桃李自考网 成人自考




随着人口老龄化的加剧,老年人不断增多的同时,老年人市场也随之不断的扩大, 因此开发老年市场,振兴老年产业,已成为促进经济持续增长不可缺少的内容,在对生活品质不断追求的过程中,前景诱人的老年旅游市场也展现在我们面前,随之带动的是旅游产品的市场。而旅游产品的开发和创新是旅行社竞争的关键。

关键词:老年人 生活 品质 旅行社 旅游产品 开发设计


With the aging of the population increases, the growing number of elderly people, the elderly market is consistently expanding. Therefore the development of the old market and revitalize old industries, has become the promotion of sustained economic growth indispensable, to the quality of life in constant pursuit of the process, the prospects for attractive older tourist market has unfolded before our eyes. bringing with the tourism products in the market. And the development of tourist products and innovation is the key to competitive travel agencies.

Key words

quality of life of older persons Tourism Product Development and Design