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2020-12-05 10:21 来源:桃李自考网 成人自考


摘 要


关键词:农村小学; 体育教育; 现状


Rural education in China has been the focus of education and the difficulties of rural education is an important component of the overall development of students is to promote and improve the formation of personality, one of the main ways and means. At the same time, rural schools in rural areas of sports is an integral part of sports. Physical Education has long been the traditional teacher-centered, rural primary school physical education is severely affected by the drawbacks of many physical and mental health of students, hindered the development of personality of students. Performance in teaching methods as "filling pressure" teaching, resulting in passive acceptance of students, there is no fun at all. As a student of the initiative and actively suppressed completely, and in the content of classroom teaching is the single, students do not have the interest in learning, and the weariness sports, physical education teachers teaching the poor has become an inevitable effect.This paper start from the development of school physical education, through questionnaires and interviews to explore and analysis the current status of physical education in rural areas, come to the concept of physical education in schools of rural areas are out-date and lack of sports facilities and funds, as well as sports aspects are simple. Teachers’ understanding standards of the new curriculum and their professionalism, and leaders’ attention, such kind of aspects are restrict seriously to rural school’s physical education development. The conclusions made after the analysis are really targeted. It will play a guiding role of the promotion of sports in rural primary education reform, it will also adapt to the development of quality education and to train all-round development students.

Key words: rural primary schools ;physical education ;present status

目 录

第一章 前言 1页

1.1农村小学体育教学现状 1页

1.1.1体育意识 1页

1.1.2受应试教育的影响 1页

1.1.3办学经费极其紧张 2页

第二章 研究对象和方法 3页

2.1研究对象 3页

2.2研究方法 3页

2.2.1文献资料法 3页

2.2.2问卷调查法 3页

2.2.3访谈法 3页

第三章 调查结果与分析 4页

3.1C市下属的27所农村小学体育教学是现状 4页

3.1.1体育开课率与实际上课率 4页

3.1.2C市下属的27所农村小学的体育教师依教案上课率 4页

3.1.3体育教师的工作能力及其态度 5页

3.2体育场地,器材与设施 6页

第四章 建议 8页

4.1 完善政府职能,提高体育意识 8页

4.2 加大体育经费的投入 8页

4.3加强对体育师资的队伍规划和管理 8页

4.4加强社会各界对体育教育的认识 8页

参考文献 9页

附录 10页

致谢 13页