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2020-09-15 15:47 来源:桃李自考网 成人自考




To research that mold the beautiful method in body in athlete in artistic gymnastics

Abstract: The artistic gymnastics melts to dance, gymnastics, body is trained in integral whole, is a the item has intention to know to mold the beautiful athletics in body item. But the body is beautiful to then affect the artistic gymnastics athlete performance result with compete the one of the important factor within processes. In artistic gymnastics item sport body training be with mold the body beautiful for a kind of training method of the lord. The beautiful contents in body is very extensive, it include the body beautiful, the carriage is beautiful is beautiful with the muscle. Passing this 3:00 us can understand to only passes by designing, the body of science practices, can make human body appearance attained well-balanced, harmonious, produce the beautiful figure with the figure of the daintiness. But these for an excellent artistic gymnastics athlete to speak of decisively function. Therefore, the body train to also must choose various contentses, making use of various methods from but make artistic gymnastics athlete interest in a lifeless training contents produce practice. So, here I tally up a research for some concerning to molding the artistic gymnastics athlete body beautiful and a few methods combining proceeding below.

Key words: The artistic gymnastics, body is beautiful, train, method

目 录

摘要 1

关键词 1

Summary 1

Key word 1

前 言 3

1 研究对象与方法 3

1.1 研究对象 3

1.2 研究方法 3

1.2.1 文献资料法 3

1.2.2 访谈法 3

1.2.3 问卷调查法 3

2 结果与分析 3

2.1 形体训练的意义 3

2.2 形体训练在艺术体操项目的地位与作用 4

2.3 形体训练是塑造形体美的基础 5

2.4 形体训练是塑造艺术体操运动员形体美的核心 5

2.5 形体美构成的要素 6

2.5.1 舞蹈训练 6

2.5.2 素质训练 6

3 结论和建议 7

3.1 结论 7

3.2 建议 8

致 谢 8

参考文献 8