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2020-09-15 15:48 来源:桃李自考网 成人自考




The university student body-building exercises complete set movement arrangement initially searches

Abstract:In recent years,The body-building exercises already was in the ordinary university physical education one of essential projects,Also is one of curricula which the university student most likes. Carry on the body-building exercises complete set movement according to student's ability as well as the actual situation the arrangement,And suitably increases some difficulty movements,Makes the university student to maintain throughout,Enhances the interest. This article has conducted the research regarding university student body-building exercises complete set movement arrangement in some related questions, mainly includes: In the complete movement movement design, the structural design, the formation design as well as music select and match and so on.

Key words:Body-building exercises;Arrangement;University student;Complete movement

目 录

摘要 1

关键词 1

Abstract 1

Key words 1

前言 3

一.研究对象与方法 3

1.研究对象 3

2.研究方法 3

二.研究结果与分析 3

1 运用实验法进行实验 3

2、明确创编的目的与对象 4

3 .成套健身健美操编排 5

3.1 动作设计 5

3.1.1 针对大学生生理、心理特点选择动作 5

3.1.2 借鉴相关项目,内容设计要突出特色 5

3.2 结构设计 5

3.3 连接设计 5

3.3.1 合理分配各类动作 5

3.3.2 把握好成套动作的节奏 6

3.4 路线、队形设计 6

4. 合理的运动负荷 6

5. 音乐选配 6

5.1 音乐与整套动作要创意统一 6

5.2.音乐要具有感召力 7

5.3 音乐要适合练习者的特点 7

三.结论与建议 7

致谢 7

参考文献 8